Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Futures Trading Tip – Taking your Winnings Home

Please visit our E-Mini Trading Course web site at

Do you plan to win? Do you have a plan when you win? I understand how many, if not all traders have “the dream” of what to do with untold fortunes derived from trading E-Mini futures or any other investment vehicle. The Ferrari, the Aspen vacation house, the Rolex all come to mind, but what I am referring to is ideally a written plan should their futures trading produce a 10%, 20% or more return in a reasonable time.

Futures investors must have a downside plan but in my opinion most don’t know what to do when all their hard work, research and a pinch of luck get them into the black. Typically, they merely increase their trading or worse, change the way they trade! What if they set an alarm so that when their account grew to a certain realistic level, they took that money home and maybe diversified into another investment or perhaps applied it to some debt?

I think it is important to write this plan out. It can be a heady time when winnings roll in, if they do at all. If you don’t have a written plan I believe it is easy to be cavalier about the increasing fortunes in your E-Mini futures trading account and squander the hard earned profits.

Please visit our E-Mini Trading Course web site at
Futures trading involves substantial risk and is not suitable for all investors

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